How To Use GitHub


GitHub is a software that lets several people share and alter files like images and C#. This makes it so multiple people can work on the same project at once on different computers, at any time any were. You can create branches of the project, copies of the original files so testing can be done without the risk of destroying anything. These branches can be re introduce to the main files, merging them.

When getting GitHub you get GitHub and Git Shell. GitHub is the software where you down load and upload files. This is what you mostly use, it allows you to commit new and chanced files. See all commissions anyone has done, and sync to those files,  see all the different branches and swapping between them. Git Shell is command basted and is used  to send direct commands to the server and GitHub. The GitHub website has several nifty features such as grafts showing different stats like who have made the most active and when, who has removed/added the most and other stats. you can also use website to revert to previous versions of the project.

I had a problem using GitHub, if two people try to alter the same file at the same time, this will case theme do conflict because GitHub adds/removes what changed from the original and the new version. If it’s a C# file you can go throw the conflicted file and choose what needs to chance, sometimes nothing need to chance because the chances docent effect one-another. A file you can’t go in and chance is the Unity file, so if they get in to conflict one persons work has to be deleted, which happened ALLOT in the beginning. And if you committed the unity file you have do use Git Shell to totally delete your files and re sync to master .So remember to sync often.

Another thing to look out for is to remember to save everything before committing and syncing. If you sync before saving, your unity and/or Visual Studio(code) will update taking you back to when you last saved. Which is a reminder to save often.



Refelction Opon 3D Consept Art


As our teams third programmer, hawing previews experience whit Unity my job is to implement what the other programmers code and our artists art. This means i have to work whit both the code and art and sens we have 3 programmers and one artist, i try to help the artist as much as i can. I can however only help when it comes to designing decisions and to give input sins i can’t draw.


I got the task to do concept art for an enemy ship. I started by making a collection of Silhouettes of different shapes and presented it to the group who got to pick their favorite which was the crescent moon. My only restriction was that it needed to be simple and blue whit a bit of yellow. The problem remain that i cant draw and this wasn’t just a top view sprite, it needed to be more interesting and in action. I’ve been working whit 3D for a while and relies that that was the only way for me to show my idea in a way that doesn’t look crap. Our artist was having problem whit the player concept so i did another one